Hello There...

This site is my own personal build log. Especially in the case of "Active" projects, the updates will be sporadic and messy. I'll try to clean up each project's docs onc completed.

For information about me see: LaGrasta.com


Attempting a Cosplay style build of the SP//dr robot from "Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse".

Wrecker and Omega

Creating Wrecker and Omega costumes from The Bad Batch Star Wars series.


Version 2 of my ambient information display.


Convert a vintage photo flash gun into a lightsaber with sound effects and flash light.


Adding network and sound to a stock R2D2 toy by embedding a Raspberry Pi.


Version 1 of my ambient information display.

CNC 3DP Cabinet

Creating a cabinet to hold my CNC router and enclose my 3d printer.